digital illustrations

sex ed

Game design - Let's talk about Sex, ED!
The project shown was developed during a university lecture called Game design. We were asked to design a game for mobile devices in small groups. I was responsible for the character design, illustrations, icons and objects and contributed to the overall concept of the game.
The game “Sex Ed” was designed not only to spark, but also ease the conversation on the topic of sex. It teaches young people important facts about sexual education in a fun and playful way.

editorial design

Monster Magazine
This magazine was created during a communication design course of the FH Joanneum Graz. The overall theme of the project was monsters. The whole magazine was created in a group
, the images shown (layout and cover) were designed by me. The magazine contains a collection of bigger and smaller pop-culture monsters.

children's book illustration

Hase Lucky auf der Suche nach dem Glück
This year I got the opportunity to work with the two young authors and students, Julia Ginner and Melanie Schöwidauer, illustrating a children’s book concerning the topic of luck.
I was asked to illustrate their story and I had a lot of creative freedom with creating each character and the world around them which was an amazing experience. All illustrations were made digital in the App ProCreate.